Overview of Unequal Partners

The 4th edition of Unequal Partners: Teaching About Power, Consent, and Healthy Relationships, equips educators with 50 lesson plans to help adolescents and young adults learn about and explore the dynamics of both healthy and unhealthy relationships.

The 4th edition is organized into two volumes:

  • Volume 1: Designed for young and middle adolescents.
  • Volume 2: Designed for college students.

Both volumes include age-appropriate lesson plans utilizing interactive teaching methods such as role-plays, small group discussions, and scenarios. A trauma-informed perspective helps participants explore sensitive and critical topics, including communicating about consent, understanding power dynamics, recognizing warning signs, helping a friend, and analyzing media influences. Originally written by award-winning sexuality educators Sue Montfort and Peggy Brick, the 4th edition is edited by Kirsten deFur and includes lesson plans by 22 additional contributing authors.

Unequal Partners, 4th edition

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