Sex Can Wait: Upper Elementary $50

Sex Can Wait is a sexuality/abstinence education program with teacher training manuals and student workbooks available for Upper Elementary (grades 5&6), Middle School (grades 7&8), and High School (grades 9 & above). Sex Can Wait and the training program from which it originated are five time winners of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Award for Outstanding Work in Community Health Promotion. Evaluations have been presented at a number of professional meetings including the American School Health Association, the American Public Health Association, and the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality. The project was featured at the American Medical Association’s First Congress on Adolescent Health and at both National Abstinence Education Evaluation Conferences. More published evaluations exist for Sex Can Wait than any other abstinence education program, including articles in the American Journal of Health Education, the Family Life Educator, the American Journal of Health Behavior, and the Journal of School Health. An additional study in the Journal of School Health found Sex Can Wait was rated #1 of the 22 curricula that were rated.
At the request of Representative Henry Waxman, The United States House of Representatives, Committee on Government Reform, Special Investigations Division, produced the report ‘Content of Federally Funded Abstinence-Only Education Programs.’ The report (often called “The Waxman Report”) found that of the 13 abstinence education curricula most commonly used in federally funded abstinence education programs, all but two had substantial problems – providing inaccurate information about reproductive health. Sex Can Wait was one of the two programs that did not have these problems. Here is a link to the report:
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